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mercredi 21 octobre 2015

You Have Got EYE BAGS? How To Remove Them Naturally?

Eye bags appear as a result of fatigue, insomnia, watching the TV screen or monitor too long, or as genetic predisposition.

But, they may be a sign of some health issues such as allergies, heart disease, kidney, liver etc.

The skin around the eyes is about 4 times thinner unlike other parts of the body. Also, the exposed skin around the eyes bears efforts that we are not aware of. During the day, we are blinking about 15,000 times, while exposed to wind, sun, cold and dry air.

You have got eye bags?  How to remove them naturally?

Natural products

Potato – Put a potato in the refrigerator to stand 5-10 minutes. Then cut 2 circles, close your eyes and place the circles. Let them stand like that for 15-20 minutes.

Milk – put pieces of cotton wool into some cold milk. Slowly strain and place the pieces around the eyes. Meditate in horizontal position for 20 to 30 minutes. This is good for eye bags and eye inflammation. Do this at least once a day.

Cucumber – This vegetable is very famous as a balm for the eyes and the area around the eyes. First place it in the refrigerator to cool. Then cut into circles and place the covers. Let them stand 20 minutes or so.

Tea bags – Wet tea bags in cold water, then place in the refrigerator to stand about 10 minutes. Then place the them on your eyes and eye bags to stand for 20-30 minutes. After finishing the

Egg – Beat one egg white and gently apply around the eyes or the eye bags with a soft brush. After the mixture is dried, you will feel that your skin tightens. Allow it to stand for 20 minutes and wash with cold water.

Cold spoon – Put in refrigerator to freeze. Then place the widest part on the eye bags and hold until the spoon is not warm.

  • Sleep enough!
  • Eat healthy (fruits and vegetables, mostly vegetables in green)!
  • Reduce your intake of salt!
  • Drink water!
  • Stop smoking!

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